Sunday, May 4, 2008

Basics of C# programming

Hmmm... Nobody likes hearing theory for long time… just taking a break…

Lets overview some sample codes.

To start with let’s see the structure of a basic C# program. Even if don’t catch up the code, just understand the terms, so that I can use those terms in explaining codes in detail.

Note I use Visual Studio 2008, with a black theme for Coding. (I don’t like the normal white background for many reasons… )

See this code.

The Output of this program will be like this. (Note this is just a simple program with Console output.)

Ok I will explain each line.

Line 1: using System;

  • This tells the compiler that this program uses types from the System namespace. This is a default namespace in .Net. I used this for getting the function WriteLine()

Line 2 : namespace SampleCodeBlogspot

  • I declared a new namespace for my program called SampleCodeBlogspot. Note that after declaring namespace, I put curly braces { }.

Line 4: class testApp

  • Declared a new class type for my program as testApp. Any members declared after this class inside curly braces, will automatically becomes members of this class.

Line 6 : static void Main()

  • In my program, Main is the only member of the testApp class.

  • Main is a special function used by the compiler as the starting point of the program.

Line 8 : Console.WriteLine(" Hello, this is from Midhun's Blogspot.");

  • My programs have only a simple statement which uses the Class Console in the namespace System, to print out the message to a window on the screen.


  • A C# program consists of one or more type declaration . In my sample program I have only one type. class testApp set

  • A namespace is a set of type declarations associated with a name. This sample Program creates a new namespace called SampleCodeBlogspot and uses a predefined namespace called System

  • Every C# program must have one class with a method ( or known as Function ) called Main. The starting point of execution of every C# program is at the first instruction in Main.

  • A statement is a source code instruction describing a type or telling program to perform an action. A simple statement is always terminated by a semi colon.

    • Console.WriteLine(" Hello.");

Well.. We can start off like this. Let’s see more in the next blog..

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